Der Bloede Dritte Mittwoch #136

legen sie ihr geld in dada an

20.03.2024, 20:00

theater-am-Werk Petersplatz 1, 1010 Wien

*** Grandmother’s Favourite // Švejnar, Bierdümpfl, Wesch [Concert]

*** MILLYCENT // Milly Groz [Concert performance]

*** Lauro & Drab // Audrey Lauro & Gobi Drab [Concert]

*** Grandmother’s Favourite // Švejnar, Bierdümpfl, Wesch [Concert]

Grandmothers Favourite © Daniel Bierdümpfl

Instant compositions; unrehearsed, impolite, unwashed, charismatic, vicious sounds from the dada pit.

Jakub Švejnar: Drums, no input mixer, prepared objects, feedback fun, vocals, recorder.

Daniel Bierdümpfl: Guitar, synth, fx, vocals, tape.

Ben Wesch: Electronics


*** MILLYCENT // Milly Groz [Concert performance]

MILLYCENT © Maria Otter

In ihrem Solo-Projekt verwandelt sich Milly Groz in ein Energiebündel, dass mühelos aber geschmackvoll zwischen Pop, Dada und freier Tonalität dahin surft. Da landen neue Lieder neben alten Disco-Schlagern, die durch neue Texte, wonky beats und unerwartete harmonische Wendungen in ein völlig anderes Licht rücken. Milly Groz – Tasten & Stimme


*** Lauro & Drab // Audrey Lauro & Gobi Drab [Concert]

Lauro & Drab by Laurent Orseau and Matej Grgic

The saxophonist Audrey Lauro and recorder player Gobi Drab got to know each other at an improv session at Szenne Lab, Brussels, Belgium, organized by Gasper Piano. On the spot, their musical ideas and individual sound worked together organically, extending each other’s sound spectrum seamlessly. This evening will be a continuation of their more often silent (and sometimes loud) cooperation.